
Falling into a pit of passion

Springtime is here, the time when animals come out from hibernation, the time when plants and flowers germinate from the seeds that have been incubating them for so many months, the time when the world around us comes to life in a flurry of energy that hasn't been seen for nearly a year.

Love it. So far Spring has started off with a blast. Just came back from Coachella - I feel like that's as close to a modern-day Woodstock as you're gonna get. Talk about a burst of energy - I feel like I had my life source sucked out of me. Missed a day of work after coming back because I was so deathly sick form post-Coachella hangover, but I think I'm getting better now.

Life's good. Quitting my job in less than a month now. Feels very surreal every single time I walk into my office and talk to my coworkers and managers. Everytime something gets to me or I feel annoyed with the way things are done around there, I just take solace knowing that I'll be rid of it all in a matter of weeks. It's a very liberating feeling talking about events in the future that you know you will not have to be involved with anymore.

Right after I quit, I'm going to be traveling to China with my mom again to visit my brother and relatives in Beijing. Thought I studied abroad in China in 2010, the last time I traveled to China with my mom during the Summer was back in 2009. So it's been a good 4 years really since I've done this. I feel very lucky to have the opportunity (time) to do this. It's really difficult to find a few weeks to get away from all the responsibilities and obligations that you have as a working professional. Definitely going to savor this trip and the time with family.

Alright, now for the real important conversation topic - the LAKERS! First off, I must say that I was absolutely stunned and appalled and devastated by Kobe's injury. Consummate professional, loyal teammate, Laker for life. The dude has given us 17 fucking amazing seasons so far (and believe me, I'm confident there's another 1 or 2 in him!). Even for a franchise as well-endowed by hall of famers as the Lakers, Kobe will always rank right up there as the Laker who gave it is 110% each and every game, no matter the odds, no matter the situation, no matter WHAT. Anyway, Lakers Spurs Game 1 coming up. Should be a very interesting series. They've played each other very evenly during the regular season, but never with the set of rosters that each team has now. Go Purp and Gold!



Hall & Oates

Haven't felt this way in a long time. Things are falling into place, more or less. Feelsgoodman.jpg


"3 Mantras"

Alice let me read her Toastmasters icebreaker speech today. It was about 3 mantras that she likes to live her life by, and I really liked the 3 that she chose:

1. Life isn't about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself.
2. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
3. Let all you do, be done in love.

Think about it.
done with smoking
tired of drinking
sick of all this pointless self-destruction

time to grow up


play play play


Emoticons and exclamation points galore! :)

c: I like that smiley face. Look so dorky. I wonder what it'd be like if you could use emoticons while at work LOL. Imagine sending emails all serious and then including a ^^ at the end hahahaha. Yeah, the meandering mindset of moxom sure meanders to weird places.

 Every now and then I've been playing this one Bach piece on piano. Just played it like 3 times today. It's an Invencion in A minor. I remember playing this as a kid, so playing it now is especially exciting. I'm getting pretty good at it. My goal is to be able to play it from memory :)

 My mom's birthday is coming up! July 24th! And she's leaving for Beijing on the 26th. I think she'll be gone for nearly 2 months! Gonna miss her; I'll give her a nice send off this weekend.

 FINALLY fixed my computer omfg. Literally, it's been kinda crippled (would randomly freeze) since like January of this year. And then it stopped working altogether in the beginning of April. Since then, I haven't used a computer at home at all - only my tablet. And I fared REALLY well. Other than multitasking, or typing intensive stuff (aka blogging... lol), I've been able to do everything I want. Granted, no video games, but still, could stream stuff online, read game of thrones, check emails etc. The motherboard was bad - had to buy a completely new one and clean the CPU/heatsink and reseat it all. Had some clutch help from Ed Chen (twice I thought some other part was FUBAR'd, and twice he saved me). Good to have some compsci help in the house lolol. Excited to play all these GAMES now - bought GTA IV, and am going to install this awesome texture pack on it (seriously look photo realistic, unbelievable). Also played some 2k12 with updated rosters - nash, kobe, gasol, bymum and co (minus antwawn) lost to the heat in the last couple minutes. Just couldn't pull it out lol. I wanted to dl max payne 3, but its TWENTY SIX GIGABYTES. Damn - blue ray status wtf, games are too crazy now. 

Good entry. Feeling good, chatted w/ Ed, chatted w/ Amy, chatted w/ my parents today. Feels good man.


Recapitulating thoughts from 2010

This was a post I made on February 11, 2010. Wanted to repost it, because I still think it rings very true:

 "Time and Memory
 This is something that I've thought about for quite a while now, but never took the time to organize my thoughts, and express it coherently.

Time is a very strange thing. We experience time only in the present. We can't 'experience' the past or the future in the same way as we experience the present. By the time you read this line, you will not be able to re-experience reading the first line of this entry for the first time. That time has gone, and will never come back again. Our entire lives, we experience things in the instant, in that fleeting split-second that is seemingly over before it even began.

Now what is memory? Memory is the facts, feelings, and ideas that are spurned from the experience. However, memory is always in hindsight, always an attempt to relive and re-experience what has already passed. Yet how accurate is our memory? We can make ourselves believe certain things about the past that didn't happen. In a sense, we can lie to ourselves.

 This entry doesn't really have a purpose...just some observations that I found interesting (probably are so obvious to everyone else). The way we perceive time and the way we experience memory are very unique and peculiar things."

 I wonder what a conversation between current George and 2.5 years ago George would have been like. Am I that much smarter/better/mature now than then? I would like to think so.

 I like keeping a blog - it's a way to translate your thoughts onto paper, a way for you to document your feelings so that you can one day go back and reflect on certain periods of your life. I just went back and read through almost all my posts - it's quite the roller coaster journey. C'est la vie.